Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Mode of Address- potential opening paragraphs


Ten minutes is a long time. It can make you or break you, it can change your whole life. Young Sergy Nkulufa's life is about ot take a turn for the worse, and the best, in the new blockbuster '10 minutes', produced by director Callum Bates. The film follows the life of Sergy through two perspectives- essentially good and bad. The bad perspective sees him wake up ten minutes late on the day of an important exam, and a series of unfortunate events follow, ultimately ending up with him failing the exam. The good perspective shows the opposite, Sergy waking up on time and avoiding all of the drama recently seen through the bad perspective. The film really does focus on how 10 minutes can really make a difference....

The first idea we came up with uses a slightly developed mode of address, not too simple, but also not too developed or hard to read. It is intended to engage the target audience, and make it easy for them to read the article. The example contains a lot of one liners, making the article interesting for the audience to read, while slowly introducing them to the concept of the film.


The film 'Ten Minutes' is a comedy, mixed in with social realsim. The plot follows a young man through two perspectives regarding the same event. One perspective shows the character waking up late, causing a catastrophic day, ending in him failing his final exam. The other shows the opposing perspective; the character manages to wake up on time, fortunately avoiding the recently seen events, and ultimately passing his exam. The film shows high qualty drama, and is extremely similar, in concept at least, to 'Run Lola Run'. The idea that ten minutes can change your life really hits home, and engages you in a unique way, causing you to imagine yourself in the characters scenario.

The second idea uses developed language and is targeted at a serious audience. An example of this is that the article assumes that its audience knows the film 'Run Lola Run', giving no background information on the film whatsoever, respecting the audiences intelligence whilst also engaging them in a professional manner. This idea would be targeted at people such as film students.


The film '10 minutes' is an action filled blockbuster. We are shown the life of Sergy Nkulufa as he wakes up on the day of an important exam. However, we dont just see one side of the story, oh no, we see good AND bad. First we are shown Sergy unfortunately missing his alarm, and waking up ten minutes late, causing a chain of events, featuring an exciting mugging scene, that causes him to fail his exam. The other side is the good side!! We see Sergy waking up on time, luckily avoiding the events seen beforehand, resulting in him passing his important exam!! The film is exciting, action packed and absolutely hilarious, don't miss it!

This idea uses very simple language intended to engage a casual reader that may be just skimming through the magazine, not having the time or will to read a fully developed and detailed article. Exclamation marks are used for emphasis, along with capital letters. The film is summed up quite quickly, and the writer directly speaks to the reader.

Poster Designs

This is the first poster design that I came up with, it shows the good and the badside of the day in which the character gets up ten minutes late. As you can see it is a rough plan that i drew up quickly as a basis to my final idea.

This is my final idea drawn up neatly. As you can see the 10 minutes will be in digital clock form which will hopefully grab the attention of the public. whilst the main image will be the main character which in this case is Sergy. One side will show the neat and tidy on  time Sergy, on the other side will be the late and scruffy Sergy. This is then seperated by the alarm clock which will be big and bold for the audience to see which is associated with the film.

Magazine Layout Designs

DESIGN ONE This layout can be seen as more consise and to the point, with the emphasis on the main text of the magazine with two images accompanying it. The reader will be atteacted to the ain image at the top of the page and the break out box directly next to it. The article will be packed full insightful anaysis of the film which is easy to ready whilst travelling.

DESIGN TWOThis magazine layout that I have created and could be used as for our magazie article. As we are targeting 15-21 year old commuters. This layout is neccessary as it is a souble page spread with people normally reading from left to right, they will be instantly drawn to the big image on the right hand side and therefore would be interesed in reading which will be a detailed but compacted review of the film. The added breakout box gives the reader further insightful information on the actor and hopefully they would be attracted to read on.

Magazine Layout Idea

1- Section Title: this will contain the title 'Teen Film', one of the names we came up with for our film magazine. It will also contain a red star, as the logo of the magazine.
2- Title/Headline: the title will be '10 Minutes', with the '0' being an alarm clock. The font used for this will be big and bold, intended to be eye catching for our target audience.
3- Strap Line: 'Have you got time to spare...', this is a witty, yet simple, line that directly relates to our film. It also helps the article to engage the audience, and immediately retain their attention.
4- Main Text: two columns will be used for this, and it will solely contain information on the film. Background information will be provided, along with information on the characters and opinions on the film itself. The language used will be engaging, but not too developed as our target audience are more likely to be entertained this way, as opposed to a developed, serious synopsis.
5- Main Image: this will feature an eye-catching picture directly relating to our film. The image will be split in to two, one of the main character looking worried and in a state of panic, and the other showing the character in a postion of power and confidence.

6- Breakout Paragraph: will contain a quote from the main text which will help to grab the audiences attention.

7- Breakout Box (1): will feature an 'if you liked this, you may also like' type of breakput.

8- Secondary Image(s): Image of mugger holding the main characters bag- eye catching and relates directly to the film

9- Breakout Box (2): contain facts on the film. This could include location facts, casting facts etc. Anything which will help to entertain our target audience.

10- Issue Info: will contain things such as the date the magazine is issued, etc.


Monday, 12 November 2012

Character casting

Main Character : Sergy N'Kulufa

We have chosen Sergy as he is typical teenage boy which best suits the role of our film. He will play the role very well as he is an innocent well behaved boy.

Mugger :Callum Bates

Most suitable for the role because he has the tall appearance and typical clothing of what we would stereotypically associate a mugger with.

Monday, 5 November 2012

Film Magazine Review Text

Here is a sample of our magazine review text, we introduced the element of conversational writing in order to appeal to our target audience, of the mid teens to early 20s.

10 Minutes

Ten minutes is a long time. It can make or break you, it can change your whole life. Young Hubert's life is about to take the turn for the worse, and the best, in this short film 10 Minutes', directed by Callum Bates. The film follows the life of Hubert through two perspectives, essentially good and bad. The bad perspective sees him wake up ten minutes late on the day of an important exam and a series of unfortunate events follow, ultimately ending up with him failing the exam. Pretty bad say id you ask me! The good perspective shows the opposite, Hubert waking up on time and avoiding all of the drama recently seen through the bad perspective and eventually receiving a 'A' in his exam. Yippee! Bates said "the film was inspired by the block buster 'Run Lola Run' and aims to entertain audiences with a mixture of humour and despair"

And there's definitely elements of humour and despair, lots of it in fact. You just can't help laughing your head off at the luck Hubert has during the bad perspective, all caused by waking up ten minutes late, but you also feel a sense of sympathy for Hubert as his day gradually gets worse and worse. From missing his breakfast to getting robbed, Hubert just can't seem to get his day back on track. However, this despair is instantly healed by hubert's luck in the possesses, solely due to waking up on time is amazing and heartwarming with the added effect of humour making the film a classic.

Magazine Designs

The magazine review designs were heavily influenced by Empire magazine, we aimed to perhaps emulate the page designs which were dominated by main and secondary images which gave a great over view of the film, followed by a brief analysis and review of the film. The designs in my opinion are very simple however they work extremely well in terms of appealing to our targeted audience. Furthermore the text within Empire magazine was extremely conversational compared to the other magazine reviews, therefore using this magazine as a basis for our magazine designs works very well. 


This idea clearly shows some aspects which were gained from Empire magazine, the two images, main as well as secondary, both take centre stage within the magazine, very much focusing on our film. 


We had decided to aim to create and produce this magazine design, the image will be the main focus of the magazine review, therefore it will be important to select an image which reprosents our film very well indeed. Furthermore the film review will contain all the information neccesary in order to give the audience a good insight into what the film has to offer, the brief review won't give too much information away to the audience, to keep them guessing as to what will actually unveil in the film itself.

Film Magazine Review

The purpose of a magazine film review is to provide information and a professional opinion on a film. The audience who are seeking an expert third party opinion on the suitability of the film will find themeselves reading film reviews allowing them to make an informal decision on whether it is something they will enjoy watching, illustrating the importance of these film reviews.

As we have already decided our film intends to target the more younger audiences ranging from teenagers, to there mid twenties, we must consider the mode of address in order to suit their needs. Most obviously due to the teenage/young adult target audience, it is vital that our magazine contains an element of comedy also it is important that it has a very conversational tone and is very direct, with the help of rhetorical questions as well as informal language, there also shouldn't be huge blocks of writing, the writing should be kept to a minimum and shouldn't dominate the page, instead i believe that images should take center stage within our film magazine review.

Advertising Profile:
We hope to possibly create a film magazine which would mainly be for the general public, who are constantly travelling to and from work/education this would be perfect as on there journeys they can grab our magazine and read our reviews, it therefore is important to remember to keep our review short, concise and straight to the point, so that they gather up enough information in a short space of time.

When thinking about our advertising profile it is always important to consider and answer a series of questions:
  • Where do they live?
  • What are their hobbies?
  • What type of job do they have?
  • What is their favorite food/drink?
  • What time of music do they listen to?
  • What are their favorite TV shows?
  • Where do they like going on holiday?
  • What is their favorite bar/pub ?

Mode of address: Conversational Tone
Conversational writing means writing in a clear, concise way that anyone can understand.

Writing in a conversational way allows us to connecting with the readers. It's about trying to give them a reason to care about what you have to say. It's about being genuine.

 Rules for using conversational writing:
  • Use contractions: You'll sound like a normal person if you say "don't" and "won't."
  • Use "I" and "you:" You don't have to, but it makes your writing more personal. It's like you're really talking to your readers.
  • Don't be wordy: Say what needs to be said, but don't ramble or fill your sentences with unnecessary words.
  • Don't use five dollar words: Pulchritudinous means "physically beautiful," but it sounds like something you vomit.
  • Don't use the passive voice: This really muddles things up. "A decision was reached" is limp "I made a decision."
 In terms of additional content for our page in addition to the main review, we will indeed use aspects such as breakout boxes, with interesting facts about the film or actors etc. to keep the audience interested. The images just like most things plays a huge role, withing the majority film reviews. Perhaps a still image from our film which represents the film as a whole could be introduced into our magazine page, when deciding on the image that is to be used, we will consider symbolic codes, which can make a huge difference such as the colours, gaze, framing, cropping etc.

Poster Designs

Following on from previous research on film posters and the history of film posters, it had been established that film posters over the years have developed visually as regards to imagery and typography. Therefore our aim was to take on the knowledge that we had developed to create a poster, which a main image representing our film and also include a bold title,allowing the poster to stand out.

After a session of designing a variety of different poster designs, we as a group decided that this poster design was the most appealing, so therefore this is the design we are going to take on and further develop.

This poster design is simple however effective, the images are indeed symbolic in terms of linking to the theme of our film. The clock for starters is very symbolic as it symbolises time which is an important factor within the film. Furthermore the film title instantly stands out and catches the audiences eyes, the bold lettering has a great impact, in addition the colour red of the title, symbolises urgency which once again, links well to the film.

Film Poster Planning

Our film takes on a light hearted theme and the intended target audience are mainly teenagers, therefore whilst planning our film poster it is important to take these factors into consideration in order to create the perfect poster, so that it appeals to the right audience.
Due to the fact that our film is more light hearted it is  particularly important to make sure that our poster id bright/colourful so that it reprosents the colourful nature of the film. Furthermore the use of symbolic images is another important factor, so that it reprosents the film well and gives off a strong idea of what the films is going to be about.

We are hoping to outline just the main sub genre of the film within our poster, in order to give a clear indication about what our film is actually about. In order to give out the right message/Idea of the film it is important to communicate with the audience visually, to reprosent a light hearted film, it is important to think about the connotations, for example the colours that we use, or the type of font to use for the title, these may only be small changes but they indeed make a huge difference in determining the nature of the film.

Possible Taglines:
A tagline is a slogan typically used in advertising a film, usually found on posters. The idea behind the concept is to create a memorable phrase that will sum up the tone and premise of a film. Another purpose is to reinforce the audience's memory of the film. A tagline should really complement our film as well as deliver more information about it in a clever, inventive and interesting manor.
  • "10 Minutes is all it takes, to ruin your day"
  • "There is always two sides to a story"
  • '10 minutes can make a difference"
  • "Start your day right"
Images are without a doubt one of the most important factors regarding a film poster, it is extremely important to use the right image in order in order to really give the right over view of the film, it is also important as it should stand out to really catch the audiences imagination. The images must be symbolic and have very strong links to our actually film, the alarm clock is very symbolic and has a strong role withing our, film so we could possibly use this as an image to reprosent our film, also another possible idea could be to split our poster into two and on each side would be images of the character reprosenting both sides of the story. It is also a great idea to possibly think about close up, anstract or even manipulating images to perhaps create different types of effect.

Saturday, 3 November 2012

Shooting Schedule (4)

Unfortunately, due to unforeseen events, previous shooting schedules (2) and (3) could not go ahead, and we have had to re-adjust our filming schedules accordingly.

Date: 10/11/12

Time: 10am-3pm

Location: Richmond, Inside Scenes

Shots: 10; 18-20

Actors: Sergy

Crew: James (Cameraman) Callum (Props, Director)

Costumes and Props: Mobile Phone- to act as alarm clock, Pyjamas, Bag, School Uniform

Equipment: SD Camera, SD Card, Tripod

Potential Issues: No potential issues identified

Risk Assessment: Low- no real risks since we are filming inside a secure residential location