Wednesday 26 September 2012

Themes of British identity

Short films allow both small and big time directors to produce more unconventional films, with diverse themes and unpopular genre's. Considering that our short film should be identifiably 'British' there are many themes that are possible to be considered : class and status is an issue in British society this could have an impact on a large scale audience thar suffer day in and out because of what they are titles under.
Example 1: Robin Hood
According to the Independent online:

There were 2.9 million children who lived in families where the household income was just £236 a week – or £12,300 a year – considered as the poverty line in Britain.

The annual study into poverty laid bare how thousands of children cannot afford basic treats, with 31 per cent of all children – the equivalent 3.97 million – unable to take a week's holiday with their family.

In many parts of Britains there are poverty strickened areas. Our project could be the poor staling from rich like in Robin Hood, stealing for better not the worse, so what better topic to base our short film round than this.
As a nation Britain is obsessed with fame and reality. Possibly could show how obsessed we as 'Britons' have become with such shows like X Factor and Britains Got Talent. In the 2011 X Factor final 13 million viewers tuned in to watch. although this figure was down on last year it shows how engrossed the general public is in fame and reality, surely this would be a great genre to base our short film round.

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