Monday 17 September 2012

Sold - Nadia Attia Short Film Analysis

Narrative Structure:
The narrative structure of this short film follows a very simple linear sequence, it is full chronological therefore every thing is film in real time, all in order. Sold also seems to adopt a snap shot or single stranded structure, the majority of this film is filmed in just one room. Furthermore this film contains only one real plot which follows a circular narrative, the film simply enough ends where it begins. Despite this you could argue that the film lacks any real resolution the audience are left to asume what actually happens at the end, thus creating an open narrative.

High key lighting is most evident in this short film and is very dominant throughout, the hard lighting creates a sense of reality especially around the bedsit scene. However when the TV is turned on soft high key lighting is introduced creating an almost glamarous fantasy effect, which contrasts with the hard high key lighting creating a sense of reality. There is very limited dialogue emitted from the phone as well as the TV.

The film title used in Sold is very simlpe but also effective, the film title is displayed on a backfround right at the beginning of the film. Furthermore the full credits can be viewed at the end of the film, backed up by a score, which is very suttle and can almost relate to life itself.

I believe that Nadia Attia was trying to possibly create a film which reprosented the youth population, illustrating the fact that the majority of youths are unemlpoyed and disenfranchised, they don't really aim for anything in life, particularly after education. Another theme which is evident is social isolation, there seems to be a lack of community withing the British society, we hardly ever really socialise with one another, this is reprosented as the main character fails, to make conversation with the female character who had appeared at his door.

The purpose of this short film, was simply for promotional purposes as well as entertainment purposes.

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