Sunday 30 September 2012

How do semiotics work as part of film posters in terms of visuals?

Semiotics is the study of signs and symbols on film posters. Film posters are usually full of semiotics, as this attracts audiences to them as they glance at the advertisement.

Visual Imagery in Film Posters:

  1. Colours- help to catch the eye of the intended audience, immediately persuading them to look at the poster in further detail. If all film posters were black and white, people would be less likely to notice them, and they wouldn't perform their jobs as an advertisement technique. 
  2. Images- in all film posters, images are absolutely essential. They help to give the audience a feel for what the film will be about, and act as a replacement for text. 
  3. Layout- the layout for most film posters are generally the same. Often you will see an image in the centre of the poster, followed by the name of the main actors in the film, surrounded by a variety of different colours, and reviews from newspapers and magazines.
  4. Fonts and Titles- usually big and bold, to help catch the eye of the target audience. 

Below are 2 posters I will analyse in terms of Semiotics:

The first thing that strikes you about this poster is the darkness of the colouring. Immediately, the audience assume that the film is very likely to have a dark mood to it, showing us the affects of semiotics on an audience. Also, the main character- Batman- is dressed in an unusual black costume, suggesting to the audience that the film will have something to do with superheroes and villains. Moreover, the fire in the centre of the poster particularly stands out, and changes the mood to an aggressive one, suggesting that the film may contain a lot of violence and 'machoness'. This is backed up by Batman’s pose; showing his authority and strength.

This is an extremely well thought out poster in terms of semiotics. Immediately, the audience can tell that the theme of the film is going to be romance. Bridget Jones' cheeky smile, and lips covered in red lipstick, suggests a sense of 'sexiness' to the film, perhaps mixed in with comedy. The fact that Bridget is surrounded by two men tells the audience that the film is possibly about a love triangle, featuring two men with opposite personalities. The audience can see that the two men’s personalities may differ because one is trying to sneakily look at Bridget’s diary, while the other is posing for the camera. Furthermore, the fact that Bridget is holding a diary suggests that the film may have a secretive edge to it, and that the woman may be playing her two lovers against each other for her enjoyment.

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