Monday 17 September 2012

Double Take - Toa Stappard Short Film Analysis

Narrative Structure:
The narrative structure of this particular short film is very debateble, there are both elements of a linear sequence as well as a dominantly non linear sequence. Double Take also follows a very open narrative there are a series of unanswered questions especially at the end of the film, throwing up questions as to what actually happens next. Furthermore a very clever plot twist is evident, as the criminal himself actually becomes the 'victim' as he is attacked in his own home, this twist is completely unexpected and catches the audience by surprise.

Throughout this short film a series of kinetic camera movement is used, especially from the characters perspective, this creates a sense of reality which is backed up by the hard high key lighting, which really compliments the kinetic movement, once again making the film come across as realistic, finally throughout this film no score is evident, the sound comes from ambience and dialogue.

Very simply the film title appears on a black backgrounds as well as the credits appearing at the end of the film.

The themes of this film are most obviously crime, however if we look deeply into it, the film also touches on vigilantism, people taking justice into their own hands, furthermore the fact that a video camera was introduced into this film, really links to the idea that Britain in particualar are under constant surveillence, due to the growing number of CCTV cameras.

The purpose of Doublt Take is simply for promotional purposes and also to raise or even tackle an issue regarding crime and vigilantism.

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